Router Security Site Index Website by     
Michael Horowitz 
Home Site Index Bugs News Security Checklist Tests DNS Resources Stats Search Popular Pages
Also see my Defensive Computing Checklist website
About this website
Access Points for extending Wi-Fi coverage range
Apple Routers - I was no fan, but they are discontinued anyway
Bugs in routers
Change log - an audit log of updates to the site
Checklist of security features in a router
Consumer routers - why not to use them
DHCP - after changing router LAN IP address, adjust the DHCP range
DNS servers - Test which ones are currently being used
DNS long explanation - More than you wanted to know?
DNS Providers - Some suggested sources of DNS
DNS - still more - the boring stuff
Eero - mesh router system
Extending the range of a Wi-Fi network (Added March 2022)
Firmware updates - what to look out for when updating router firmware
Firmware self-updating - features to look for and rating some routers
Google WiFi Routers
HNAP - Home Network Administration Protocol
Home Page - has both a short and a long checklist of security tweaks
Introduction to routers
IP addresses - using a unpopular subnet makes you safer
ISP routers - when possible, don't use a router or gateway provided by an ISP
Modems - an introduction to modems and a warning about buggy ones
Mesh Routers - thoughts on Eero, Google Wifi, Ubiquiti AmpliFi, Plume, etc
Bad Neighbors - how to keep your Wi-Fi signal away from the neighbors   (added September 2019)
New router - how to set it up securely
Others Gripe on routers - I am not the only one suggesting consumer routers stink
Others Router Security Advice - I am not the only one writing on the subject
Passwords for the router
Passwords for Wi-Fi networks
pcWRT router (added January 2022)
Pepwave Surf SOHO - I recommend using this router
Pepwave Surf SOHO Initial Configuration
Peplink B One router (added December 2023)
Peplink Audit Log showing no spying (added March 2020)
Perfect world - eh
Routers in the News usually for being attacked
Router Reviews - not much here, yet
Resources - lots of lists of router related stuff
Secure Routers - My opinions
SSID - suggestions for choosing a good network name
Shodan Query My Router generates a Shodan query for your public IP address
Synology routers - my experiences   (added September 2019)
Test your router - The most popular page on the site
Turris Omnia router - my thoughts and observations based on kicking the tires
Turn off - Lower your attack surface by turning off these features
VLAN - Virtual LANs allow for network isolation
What can go wrong - with router security. Hint: a lot
WPA2, WPA3 and WPA Enterprise (and WPA and WEP)
WPS - Everything you ever wanted to know about Wi-Fi Protected Setup

Page Created: April 24, 2017      
Last Updated: February 8, 2025 11PM CT
Viewed 160,024 times
(55/day over 2,892 days)     
Website by Michael Horowitz      
Feedback: routers __at__ michaelhorowitz dot com  
Copyright 2015 - 2025