Router Security Router Reviews Website by     
Michael Horowitz 
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Also see my Defensive Computing Checklist website

Router reviews are like cigarette commercials, both leave out the most important issue. For cigarettes it's cancer, for routers it's security.

To address this, I hope, in the future, to review some routers focusing exclusively on their security. Basically, evaluating how they compare to my Security Checklist.

That said, I am not in the reviews business. In fact, I'm in no business at all, this website is a hobby, which explains the lack of ads. And, considering how few router companies care about security, no router vendor is going to lend me a router to review. CNET this ain't. Thus, the number of reviews here will be very, very limited.


The D-Link DIR860L router - how secure can it get? November 2015 Page 1, Page 2

Coming: my favorite router the Pepwave Surf SOHO . . .

Coming: Ubiquiti Amplifi mesh . . .

Page Created: October 8, 2016      
Last Updated: May 5, 2019 10PM CT
Viewed 18,301 times
(6/day over 2,849 days)     
Website by Michael Horowitz      
Feedback: routers __at__ michaelhorowitz dot com  
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